📄️ 3D Shapes📄️ Four-layer PCB Manufacturing📄️ Alternative Routing: 4 Layer PCB in New Git Branch📄️ Four-layer PCB Routing📄️ Schema 3 - Arrange, Annotate📄️ Schema 3 - Associate📄️ Schema 7 - Comments📄️ Layout 4 - Copper Fills📄️ Finding and Correcting Design Defects📄️ Create the new project and create new Git repository📄️ Layout 6 - Design Rules Check📄️ Edit Component Values📄️ Schema 6 - Electrical Rules Check📄️ Fix the Bugs in the 2 Layer PCB📄️ Fix the Bugs in the 4 Layer PCB📄️ Layout 4 - Fix New Routing Violations📄️ Fix the Bugs in the Schematic📄️ Git, setup in a 2-layer PCB branch📄️ Project - Introduction📄️ Layout 2 - Outline and Constraints📄️ Layout 1 - Setup📄️ Layout 7 - Manufacture📄️ Merge 2-layer Branch to Main📄️ Schema 5 - Nets📄️ Layout 3 - Place Components📄️ Layout 4 - Route📄️ Layout 4 - Routing Improvements📄️ Schema 2 - Create a second sheet for the connectors📄️ Schema 1 - Setup📄️ Schema 2 - Symbols📄️ Layout 5 - Silkscreen📄️ Updating Layout from Changes to the Schematic with Git📄️ Schema 4 - Wiring of sheet 1📄️ Schema 4 - Wiring of sheet 2