Getting Started
1. Series
- Attributes
- Methods
- Handling CSV files
- head() & tail()
- Sorting values in a Series
- Counting values in a Series
- Accessing elements via position
- Accessing elements via index
2. Data Frames
- Handling excel files
- Methods
- describe() & info()
- nlargest() & nsmallest()
- set_index() & reset_index()
- Removing columns/rows in a DataFrame with drop()
- Adding columns to a DataFrame
- dropna()
- fillna()
- .loc[]
- .iloc[]
- Broadcasting
- Conditions
- Multiple conditions
- between()
- isin(), isnull(), & notnull()
- Renaming
- apply()
- map() & applymap()
- astype()
- replace()
- where()
- agg()
- copy()
- Multi-indexing
3. String Operations
- .str
- startswith() & endswith()
- Index & columns
4. Reshaping Datasets
- transpose()
- stack() & unstack()
- melt()
- pivot()
- pivot_table()
- groupby()
5. Combining Datasets
- concat()
- merge()
- Outer join
- Inner join
- Left & right join
- Left & right (Minus)
- Outer join (Minus)
- Merging with different column names
6. Time Series
- Timestamp & DatetimeIndex
- date_range()
- Period & PeriodIndex
- Timedelta & TimedeltaIndex
- Accessing time attributes through .dt
- Timestamp methods & attributes
- Time Series in files
- loc[] & iloc[] with DatetimeIndex
- reindex()
- resample()
7. Data Visualization
- Line plots
- Bar plots
- Histograms
- Pie charts
- Styles
- Interactive plots
- Scatter
- Candlestick charts
- Color by value
- Bar Chart Race
8. Numpy
- Lists vs. NumPy arrays
- What are arrays?
- More information ℹ
- Array basics
- Sorting and concatenating arrays
- Getting the shape and size of an array
- Reshaping an array
- Adding a new axis to an array
- Indexing and slicing
- Creating arrays from existing data
- Basic operations
- Broadcasting
- Matrices
- Generating random numbers
- Finding unique elements
- Transposing and reshaping arrays
- Reversing arrays
- Reshaping & flattening multidimensional arrays
- Saving & loading arrays
9. Projects
- House Price Prediction
- Classifiying Silhouettes of Vehicles
- Vehicle Price Prediction