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Data Types

In Python, data types are crucial for defining the nature of values, allowing logical operations with compatible values. This README provides an overview of the most common data types in Python along with code snippets and examples.

Numeric Types


An integer represents any whole number, positive or negative.

my_integer = 10


A float represents any decimal number.

my_float = 5.5


Imaginary numbers are represented with j in Python.

my_imaginary = 2j

Boolean Types

Boolean types represent two states: True or False.

is_connected = True
has_money = False

String Types

Strings represent textual data and can be written in single or double quotes.

my_string = "Hello, Bob"

Sequence Types


A list is a mutable sequence type.

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]


A tuple is an immutable sequence type.

coordinates = (2.5, 1.0)

Mapping Types


A dictionary is a mapping type that uses key-value pairs.

users = {"Mario": 1, "Luigi": 2}

Set Types


A set is an unordered collection without duplicate elements.

my_set = {10, 25, 50}

Frozen Set

A frozen set is an immutable version of a set.

frozen_set = frozenset([1, 2, 3])