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Mad Libs Game

In this project, we'll be creating a simple Mad Libs game. Mad Libs is a story-based game where users provide various words like nouns, names, and verbs, and those words are then inserted into a pre-made story to create a humorous and often nonsensical result.

How to Play

  1. Run the Python script.
  2. Enter the requested words when prompted.
  3. Enjoy the generated Mad Libs story!

Code Snippets and Examples

User Input

# Get user input for name
name = input("Enter a name: ")

# Get user input for noun a
noun_a = input("Enter a noun: ")

# Repeat the process for other variables (verb_a, noun_b, verb_b, number_a, number_b)
# ...

# Print the story

Story Generation

# Define variables
name = input("Enter a name: ")
noun_a = input("Enter a noun: ")
# ... (other variables)

# Create the story using formatted strings
story = f"""
{'-' * 30}
This is a story about {name}, a strong and beautiful {noun_a} who loved to {verb_a}.
{name} once {verb_b} and won a {noun_b} as a prize. Isn't that incredible?
Today, {name} is {int(number_a) + int(number_b)} years old and has retired from all adventures,
but the story will live on forever.
{'-' * 30}

# Print the story

Example Run

# Example run with user input
name = "Bob"
noun_a = "apple"
# ... (other variables)

# Print the generated story